Wednesday, September 25, 2019

James Irwin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

James Irwin - Essay Example Irwin started showing signs of a heart condition during this time. The physiological signs of the astronauts were monitored back on earth and by the flight surgeons. Irwin's heart had irregular rhythms and developed a condition termed as bigamy. The heart condition was a serious condition that needed intensive care. Irwin often got tired but after some minutes, his heart went back to normal. Irwin's condition was not discussed in the debriefing sessions after their return to earth, as the condition did not appear when they returned to earth. Irwin, however, had heart attack months later after their return.  Ã‚  The crew's return to Earth was successful. However, NASA discovered the collection of unauthorized stamps by the crewmembers that were to be exchanged for money from a private collector from Germany. The scandal, however, had the administration make a decision to reassign the crewmembers of Apollo 15 to non-flight roles.   Irwin took a different direction with his life and founded the high flight foundation. Irwin used his experience in space to inspire people. He became the goodwill ambassador of peace in his last years. Irwin quoted that "Jesus walking on water is more important than man walking on the moon" (Irwin, 75). He led in Christianity activities through his foundation.   The activities of the foundation included an expedition to Turkey in a mission to find the remains of the Noah's Ark. Several of Irwin's family members to date are still on the board of the foundation that based in Colorado.

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